Responding to a question from the Sadducees, Matthew records Jesus saying, “in the resurrection, they neither marry nor or given in marriage, but are like ________ in heaven.”
Author: Anonymous
Mark contains more ____________ than any other Gospel.
Mark contains more ____________ than any other Gospel.
Mark contains more ____________ than any other Gospel.
Mark contains more ____________ than any other Gospel.
John records that, at Jesus’ arrest, Peter drew his sword an…
John records that, at Jesus’ arrest, Peter drew his sword and cut off the _____ of the high priest’s slave, Malchus.
John records that, at Jesus’ arrest, Peter drew his sword an…
John records that, at Jesus’ arrest, Peter drew his sword and cut off the _____ of the high priest’s slave, Malchus.
Jesus told his disciples when the Holy Spirit comes he will…
Jesus told his disciples when the Holy Spirit comes he will convict the world concerning judgment because the ___________________ has been judged.
Early church tradition unanimously ascribes Luke-Acts to Luk…
Early church tradition unanimously ascribes Luke-Acts to Luke, a physician and part-time companion of the Apostle _________.
Jesus told his disciples when the Holy Spirit comes he will…
Jesus told his disciples when the Holy Spirit comes he will convict the world concerning judgment because the ___________________ has been judged.
Early church tradition unanimously ascribes Luke-Acts to Luk…
Early church tradition unanimously ascribes Luke-Acts to Luke, a physician and part-time companion of the Apostle _________.
One of the most distinctive features of Mark’s rhetoric is t…
One of the most distinctive features of Mark’s rhetoric is the literary device known as ______________, the “sandwiching” of one event between the beginning and end of another.