What lymph nodes would be expected to be enlarged in a patient with prostatitis?
Author: Anonymous
When evaluating the right medial iliac lymph node in a dog,…
When evaluating the right medial iliac lymph node in a dog, you obtain the following measurements: Long axis of 2.0 cm, short axis of 0.5 cm. The short axis to long axis ratio of this lymph node is within normal limits.
In a pregnant canine, fetal heartbeats can be detected with…
In a pregnant canine, fetal heartbeats can be detected with ultrasound as early as 23-25 days following the LH surge.
When ultrasounding a patient with pneumoperitoneum in dorsal…
When ultrasounding a patient with pneumoperitoneum in dorsal recumbency with the ultrasound probe in contact with the patient’s ventrum, gas would most likely be located:
When ultrasounding a patient with pneumoperitoneum in dorsal…
When ultrasounding a patient with pneumoperitoneum in dorsal recumbency with the ultrasound probe in contact with the patient’s ventrum, gas would most likely be located:
The image shown is M-mode of the aorta and left atrium in a…
The image shown is M-mode of the aorta and left atrium in a dog.
Which of the following conditions would be most likely to ca…
Which of the following conditions would be most likely to cause increased visualization of abdominal serosal surfaces?
The blue color flow noted on Doppler at the pulmonic valve w…
The blue color flow noted on Doppler at the pulmonic valve when closed is normal.
Which of the following conditions would be most likely to ca…
Which of the following conditions would be most likely to cause increased visualization of abdominal serosal surfaces?
This structure is located caudal to the ____________, crania…
This structure is located caudal to the ____________, cranial to the ____________ and bisected by the __________ vessels.