The boiler vent should be open when filling a boiler with water.
Author: Anonymous
Heavy fuel oils are relatively easy to pump and atomize for…
Heavy fuel oils are relatively easy to pump and atomize for burning.
After a boiler is dumped, it should dry completely before cl…
After a boiler is dumped, it should dry completely before cleaning.
A low pressure boiler is a boiler that has an MAWP over 15 p…
A low pressure boiler is a boiler that has an MAWP over 15 psi.
Steam is the vapor that forms when water is heated to its bo…
Steam is the vapor that forms when water is heated to its boiling point.
After a boiler is dumped, it should dry completely before cl…
After a boiler is dumped, it should dry completely before cleaning.
Boiler water never discharges at the boiler temperature and…
Boiler water never discharges at the boiler temperature and pressure.
A low pressure boiler is a boiler that has an MAWP over 15 p…
A low pressure boiler is a boiler that has an MAWP over 15 psi.
A high vacuum of 10″ or more on a suction pressure gauge ind…
A high vacuum of 10″ or more on a suction pressure gauge indicates either cold fuel oil or dirty suction strainers.
A steam pressure gauge on a boiler is calibrated to read ___…
A steam pressure gauge on a boiler is calibrated to read ___.