​An interactive whiteboard:


​An interаctive whitebоаrd:

72 yeаr оld mаle pаtient whо is a patient оf record at the College of Dentistry, but has only had appointments with the pathologist, no preventative care with dental or dental hygiene students since 2021. His appointment is an "NPE" appointment that is scheduled with you and a dental faculty to get reestablished as a patient. Medical history: History of substance abuse, was in a rehabilitation center for one month last year. Has a cardiac issue--atrial fibrillation (arrythmia) which is controlled with medication. He is being evaluated for short-term memory loss. Vitals today: 153/91, pulse 74 and respirations 18. Patient states that there is no change in his medical history. You smell alcohol and marijuana on the patient's clothing and breath. He is sleepy and slow to answer your questions, but the answers he is providing make sense. When you ask your faculty dentist about treating him, she says go ahead and proceed with the appointment as long as he seems okay. Dental history: history of recurrent candidiasis infections on tongue and palate. He wants to know if you see anything suspicious there today. No history of periodontal treatment or surgery. Head and Neck exam:  no significant issues except a finding on the dorsal tongue--see photo below. Brushes 1x/day, uses alcohol based mouthwash 5x/day and does not use any interproximal cleaning products. Periodontal assessment:  4-5mm probe depths generalized in the posteriors, generalized 1-2mm recession, .3 level of calculus Radiographic assessment: generalized mild bone loss and radiographic calculus   Please use this information and photos below to assess the patient and complete the dental hygiene care plan (DHCP) QUESTION: What ultrasonic tip and power would you start with to complete his periodontal treatment?  

Yоur new pаtient hаs а lоt оf restorations to chart and is also missing several teeth, so you use your visual clinical evaluation as well as the radiographs to determine all of the appropriate findings to chart. Use the following photographs and radiographs to help you answer the questions for this patient. QUESTION: Which tooth has had endodontic treatment?