An 18-year-old male is evaluated in the ER, after being brou…
An 18-yeаr-оld mаle is evаluated in the ER, after being brоught in by pоlice for evaluation. The police observed the patient sitting on a park bench, and he appeared to be responding to internal stimuli. He was clearly agitated and was threatening to kill people in the park, “just like the voices told me to.” The patient’s mother is later located, and she states that for the past 8 months, her son has demonstrated delusional behavior and disorganized speech, and has complained of threatening auditory hallucinations. He has refused to seek psychiatric evaluation and has been living on the streets for much of the time. He has returned home intermittently during this time for brief periods, but has run away again each time the family attempts to have him evaluated. The patient cannot offer any insight into his behavior. Which of the following conditions is the most likely diagnosis for this patient?