A 65-year-old man presents with a 8-week history of dyspnea…


A 65-yeаr-оld mаn presents with а 8-week histоry оf dyspnea and weakness.  He has had several such episodes over the past 5 years but never sought medical attention.  Past medical history is significant for hypertension, treated with Lisinopril (an ACE inhibitor) and hydrochlorothiazide (diuretic). On physical examination, blood pressure is 135/80 mm Hg, and heart rate is 143/min.  Respiratory rate is 16.  The patient reports a non-productive cough. Lungs are clear upon auscultation: no rales or crackles. Other than a rapid heart rate, the cardiopulmonary examination is normal, and so is the remainder of the physical exam. ECG shows atrial fibrillation with no evidence of ischemic changes.  Cardiac enzyme values are normal.  Following the administration of a b-blocker (metoprolol), he converts to regular sinus rhythm with a heart rate of 74/min. 28. Which of the following is the most appropriate long-term treatment for this patient?

B. El presente prоgresivо: ¿Qué están hаciendо Oliviа y Dаrby? Two new international students from Peru, Olivia and Darby, are sitting on the Oval and people watching. First, read their comments below. Then, select the missing verb that makes sense based on the context. Lastly, type the present progressive form of the verb in the space provided. (2 or 2 1/2 pts. each: 1 pt. for correct verb, 1/2 pt. for correct form of ‘estar’, 1/2 pt. for correct gerund, 1/2 pt. correct pronoun (1/4 pt. for correct pronoun, 1/4 pt. for correct placement), if applicable; 13 pts. total) MODELO: Allá veo a un amigo que está caminando [caminar / lavar] con su perro. ¡Qué lindo!Darby: Oye, Olivia, cerca de ese árbol hay dos personas que 1. [blank1] [escuchar / estudiar] para una clase. ¡Siempre hay tanta tarea!Olivia: Mira, Olivia, allá lejos puedo ver a una chica que 2. [blank2] [beber / comer] un sándwich. ¡También tengo hambre!Darby: Allí hay dos estudiantes que 3. [blank3] [lavarse / ponerse] nerviosos porque hay un perro grande cerca. Olivia: ¿Por qué (tú) 4. [blank4] [quitarse / maquillarse] la cara aquí en el Oval? ¿Tienes una cita (date) o algo? Darby: Caramba, aquí mismo tú y yo 5. [blank5] [vivir / hablar] de lo que todos hacen. ¡Qué chismosas (gossips) somos!