What did the Anemolian ambassadors do wrong?  


Whаt did the Anemоliаn аmbassadоrs dо wrong?  

This аssignment shоuld be cоmpleted independently, using оnly your own words,  thoughts, аnd ideаs. Avoid using any online resources or tools. You may only use a regular dictionary as needed. Essay Directions: You will have 2 hours to plan, write, revise and edit your essay. Write a brief outline before you start writing. Use the outline template below.. Your essay must have a title. Double-space your work.   Read the prompt below. Write an essay (of 400-450 words) that answers the following question.  Question: What are the causes of burnout among community college students? Include some of the following information in your essay in addition to your own observations and experiences. Do not copy or quote. Use your own words (paraphrase). Be sure to cite the source (e.g., "According to...").   National Library of Medicine: A significant number of college students experience burnout, with studies indicating that approximately 59.9% of students reported symptoms of academic burnout. About 80% of college students reported feeling overwhelmed, and 40% indicated that it was difficult to function due to stress. Male students and upper-grade students tend to report higher levels of burnout compared to their female and lower-grade counterparts. Burnout can lead to a lack of motivation and interest in academic activities, which negatively impacts students' overall performance and engagement in their studies.   *Plan and outline your essay before you write. Revise and edit your work before submitting it.    Outline: Thesis Statement: _________________________________________________    Body Paragraph #1 Topic Sentence: _________________________________________________________ ____________ ____________ ____________  Body Paragraph #2 Topic Sentence: _________________________________________________________ ____________ ____________ ____________  Body Paragraph #3 Topic Sentence: _________________________________________________________ ____________ ____________ ____________