KIN 6025 – Special Topics: Operations Management in Sport Un…


KIN 6025 – Speciаl Tоpics: Operаtiоns Mаnagement in Spоrt Understanding the difference between an operations plan and a strategic plan. Throughout professional sports organizations, athletic departments and community fitness centers, strategic plans and operational plans can be found. Please explain the five steps of developing a strategic plan (in the correct order) and their purpose within an organization. Explain the difference between strategic plans and operational plans.

KIN 6025 – Speciаl Tоpics: Operаtiоns Mаnagement in Spоrt Understanding the difference between an operations plan and a strategic plan. Throughout professional sports organizations, athletic departments and community fitness centers, strategic plans and operational plans can be found. Please explain the five steps of developing a strategic plan (in the correct order) and their purpose within an organization. Explain the difference between strategic plans and operational plans.

KIN 6025 – Speciаl Tоpics: Operаtiоns Mаnagement in Spоrt Understanding the difference between an operations plan and a strategic plan. Throughout professional sports organizations, athletic departments and community fitness centers, strategic plans and operational plans can be found. Please explain the five steps of developing a strategic plan (in the correct order) and their purpose within an organization. Explain the difference between strategic plans and operational plans.

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