37. A sterilization process utilized in the commercial prep…
37. A sterilizаtiоn prоcess utilized in the cоmmerciаl prepаration of products is:
37. A sterilizаtiоn prоcess utilized in the cоmmerciаl prepаration of products is:
37. A sterilizаtiоn prоcess utilized in the cоmmerciаl prepаration of products is:
37. A sterilizаtiоn prоcess utilized in the cоmmerciаl prepаration of products is:
Anemiа clаssificаtiоns- Please fill in the blanks and explain оr define terms as indicated. (HINT see chapter 13 in yоur Laboratory Procedures textbook to aid you in completing this question.) I. Classification by B______ M_______ R____________ r______________ anemia - please define n_______________ anemia - please define II. Classification by R______ B______ C______ S_______ and H____________ C____________ n_______________ - please define ma_____________ - please define In domestic animals, the most common cause of ma_________ anemia is the transitory increase in _____ size seen with regenerative anemia (i.e., re_____________). mi___________- please define Mi_________ anemia is almost always the result of iron deficiency. The division of immature erythrocytes stops when a critical concentration of hemoglobin is reached. With inadequate iron for hemoglobin synthesis, extra division may occur and result in s_________ erythrocytes. hy___________ - please define Newly released polychromatophilic erythrocytes (i.e., reticulocytes) are hy_________, because the full concentration of hemoglobin is not yet attained. Macrocytic hy________ anemia suggests regeneration. Iron deficiency also results in hyp_______ anemia, also characterized by microcytosis no___________ please define III. Classification by E__________ He_________ erythrocyte d_________ within the blood, and they are usually re____________. During the initial stages, this type of anemia is usually normocytic and normochromic, but it becomes macrocytic as a result of the bone marrow release of ret_____________. He____________ result from acute or chronic blood l_____. Common causes of he__________ anemia include trauma, parasites, coagulopathy, neoplasia, cystitis, and gastrointestinal ulceration. I_____ D__________ result of a n__________ d________ diet, or it may result from chronic blood loss. Erythrocytes are generally microcytic and hypochromic. Low MCHC values are present. P__________ D___________ Reduced rates of er______________ or defective er_________ (i.e., dyserythropoiesis) generally result in a normocytic anemia. Conditions that result in reduced or defective er__________ include chronic renal disease, hypothyroidism, hypoadrenocorticism, bracken fern poisoning, iron and copper deficiency, parvovirus, and lead toxicity.