Set 6 – Lab 6: Diffusion, Osmosis, and Cell Membranes You wa…
Set 6 - Lаb 6: Diffusiоn, Osmоsis, аnd Cell Membrаnes Yоu watched a video about dialysis and how solutions can diffuse across a membrane. A solution consisting of a 10% glucose and 10% starch were used to fill dialysis tubing. The tubing was tied and sealed and placed into a beaker of deionized water (DI water). Part 1: Based on the initial concentrations of water inside and outside the dialysis tubing, what can you conclude about the direction of osmosis? Explain (2 pts) Part 2: The majority of one substance remained in the tubing, while there were slight traces left of the other substance that mainly diffused into the beaker. The majority of what substance remained in the bag? (1 pt.) __________ Part 3: Which reagent supported your argument for a positive result of the substance in a higher amount that remained in the bag in Part 2? (1 pt) ____________
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