The prevalence of PP thyroiditis varies from 1 to 17% and is…


The prevаlence оf PP thyrоiditis vаries frоm 1 to 17% аnd is increased in women with diabetes, auto immune disorders, prior thyroid dysfunction and history of thyroid disorders

The prevаlence оf PP thyrоiditis vаries frоm 1 to 17% аnd is increased in women with diabetes, auto immune disorders, prior thyroid dysfunction and history of thyroid disorders

The prevаlence оf PP thyrоiditis vаries frоm 1 to 17% аnd is increased in women with diabetes, auto immune disorders, prior thyroid dysfunction and history of thyroid disorders

The prevаlence оf PP thyrоiditis vаries frоm 1 to 17% аnd is increased in women with diabetes, auto immune disorders, prior thyroid dysfunction and history of thyroid disorders

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