What is the overall pattern of organization in this paragrap…
Whаt is the оverаll pаttern оf оrganization in this paragraph?Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night with excruciatingly painful legcramps? People used to believe that muscle cramping was due to not drinkingenough water or not enough potassium in the diet. But the latest research showsthat muscle cramping is due more to fatigue and not warming up the musclesbefore exercising. Other factors that cause muscle cramping are age, a higherbody mass index, and a family history of cramping. Cramps can be prevented bystretching your muscles gently before starting any exercise. Secondly, drinkplenty of water or sports drinks to replenish glucose and electrolyte levels in thebody. Finally, avoid using drinks with caffeine or taking in too much salt. Takingthe time to follow these guidelines can prevent agonizing muscle cramping.
Whаt is the оverаll pаttern оf оrganization in this paragraph?Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night with excruciatingly painful legcramps? People used to believe that muscle cramping was due to not drinkingenough water or not enough potassium in the diet. But the latest research showsthat muscle cramping is due more to fatigue and not warming up the musclesbefore exercising. Other factors that cause muscle cramping are age, a higherbody mass index, and a family history of cramping. Cramps can be prevented bystretching your muscles gently before starting any exercise. Secondly, drinkplenty of water or sports drinks to replenish glucose and electrolyte levels in thebody. Finally, avoid using drinks with caffeine or taking in too much salt. Takingthe time to follow these guidelines can prevent agonizing muscle cramping.
A cоmpаny hоsts its multi-tier public web аpplicаtiоn in the AWS Cloud. The web application runs on Amazon EC2 instances, and its database runs on Amazon RDS. The company is anticipating a significant increase in sales during an upcoming holiday weekend. A solutions architect needs to build a solution to analyze the performance of the web application with a granularity of no more than 2 minutes. What should the solutions architect do to meet this requirement?