What arrhythmia is a risk factor for stroke? _______
Whаt аrrhythmiа is a risk factоr fоr strоke? _______
Whаt аrrhythmiа is a risk factоr fоr strоke? _______
Whаt аrrhythmiа is a risk factоr fоr strоke? _______
Finаl Prоject Directiоns Encаpsulаtiоn (10 points) Create a class named Vehicle that contains a field for the number of wheels the Vehicle has. Provide a 1 argument constructor and get/set methods for the field. A Vehicle cannot have a negative number of wheels. Create a toString() method that returns a string like the example output below. Inheritance (10 points) Create a subclass of Vehicle named Car that contains a field for the number of doors the Car has. Provide a 2 argument constructor. Create a toString() method that uses Vehicle’s toString(). Polymorphism (10 points) Create a main program that creates an array of 3 Cars. Make the first two elements Vehicles objects and make the third element a Car object. No user input is required. Add a loop that runs through your array, printing each object. (Note: output so far would be something like this...) I am a Vehicle! I have 2 wheels. I am a Vehicle! I have 3 wheels. I am a Vehicle! I have 4 wheels. I have 2 doors. Exceptions (10 points) Create an exception class named NoWheelsException. Add a constructor to this class that prints the error message. Add a no-arg constructor to your Vehicle class that simply throws a NoWheelsException. Attempt to create a Vehicle object with no wheels (underneath the code that is already working from problems 1-4). Do not put this object as part of the array. Display the result. Complete Example output (with all 7 pieces completed): I am a Vehicle! I have 2 wheels. I am a Vehicle! I have 3 wheels. I am a Vehicle! I have 4 wheels. I have 2 doors. Error: A Vehicle must have wheels.
Finаl Prоject Directiоns Encаpsulаtiоn (10 points) Create a class named Alien that contains a field for the damage points the Alien can inflict. Make sure that a negative number of points cannot get set in the constructor or the setter method. Provide a 1 argument constructor and get/set methods for the field. Create a toString() method that returns a string like the example output below. Inheritance (10 points) Create a subclass of Alien named RattlesnakeAlien that contains a field for the sound the RattlesnakeAlien makes. Provide get/set methods for the field and a 2 argument constructor. Create a toString() method that uses Alien’s toString(). Polymorphism (10 points) Create a main program that creates an array of 3 Aliens. Make the first two elements Alien objects and make the third element a RattlesnakeAlien object. No user input is required. Add a loop that runs through your array, printing each object. (Note: output so far would be something like this...) This alien does 3 damage points. This alien does 5 damage points. This alien does 10 damage points. It goes HISS! Exceptions (10 points) Create an exception class named NoDamage. Add a constructor to this class that prints the error message. Add a no-arg constructor to your Alien class that simply throws a NoDamage exception. Attempt to create an Alien object with no damage points (underneath the code that is already working from problems 1-4). Do not put this object as part of the array. Display the result. Complete Example output (with all 7 pieces completed): This alien does 3 damage points. This alien does 5 damage points. This alien does 10 damage points. It goes HISS! Error: The alien must be assigned damage points.
Finаl Prоject Directiоns Encаpsulаtiоn (10 points) Create a class named Cake that contains a size. Provide a 1 argument constructor and get/set methods for the size. Make sure that a negative size cannot get set in the constructor or the setter method. Create a toString() method that returns a string like the example output below. Inheritance (10 points) Create a subclass of Cake named BirthdayCake that contains a field for the number of candles on the cake. Provide get/set methods for the field and a 2 argument constructor. Create a toString() method that uses Cake’s toString(). Polymorphism (10 points) Create a main program that creates an array of 3 Cakes. Make the first two elements Cake objects and make the third element a BirthdayCake object. No user input is required. Add a loop that runs through your array, printing each object. (Note: output so far would be something like this...) The cake is baking and it is 6 inches. The cake is baking and it is 8 inches. The cake is baking and it is 10 inches. It has 16 candles. Exceptions (10 points) Create an exception class named NoSizeException. Add a constructor to this class that prints the error message. Add a no-arg constructor to your Cake class that simply throws a NoSizeException. Attempt to create a Cake object with no size (underneath the code that is already working from problems 1-4). Do not put this object as part of the array. Display the result. Complete Example output (with all 7 pieces completed): The cake is baking and it is 6 inches. The cake is baking and it is 8 inches. The cake is baking and it is 10 inches. It has 16 candles. Error: The cake must have a size.