Which protein introduces double-stranded breaks during homol…


Which prоtein intrоduces dоuble-strаnded breаks during homologous recombinаtion in prokaryotes?

Which prоtein intrоduces dоuble-strаnded breаks during homologous recombinаtion in prokaryotes?

Yоu must write аbоut ONE оf the following ARGUMENTATIVE TOPICS! Be sure to give your essаy а title which suggests the prompt you have chosen Be sure to press the SPACE BAR to indent each paragraph; don't press TAB!   In the upper left hand corner of you paper please put the following: Student ID #: (This is your A#) Class Section #: 10291  Semester: Fall 2023 Date: December 7, 2023   Should members of congress have term limits? Are professional athletes paid too much? Your Answer: A02372515 10291 FAll 2023 December 7, 2023     Student athletes are a great entertainment for people that like to watch sports however, they are getting paid too much. They are still students so they could use their money for things like student loans. They could also use it and waste it on something that is not very important like shopping, partying, or extra cars. Although student athletes can be a great entertainment for people that love sports they are getting paid way too much because; other important jobs like teachers and nurses could be getting paid more; college athletes often waste their money on materialistic things; and college athletes are not as important as NFL or bigger athletes.      Jobs like teachers and nurses deserve to be paid like student athletes. Teachers constantly struggle with money issues. Once they get their bills out of the way they only have a small amount left for things like groceries, their kids clothing, or Christmas gifts. Teachers are constantly in a classroom five days a week and seven to eight hours a day teaching kids in a classroom. Nurses deserve pay like college athletes too. They save peoples lives and help people get better when they are sick. They barely get any time with their family because they are usually at their place of work. They also barely get sleep seeing how they have shifts that are either morning or night shifts. Therefore, teachers and nurses should get paid the same amount as college athletes.       College athletes often waste their money on materialistic things. Most college athletes do not have children or wives so they have nothing to spend their money on but themselves. They like to have things that show off their money, so they go out and buy things like expensive brands, expensive cars, and big houses. Whereas other people could use that money to pay for things they do not have.  The only thing that college students really need money for is food, clothes, and college bills. Therefore, they should not be paid as much as they are.       College athletes are not really that important, yes they are good for entertainment but higher athletes are better. Although they think they are the highest and greatest athletes, they mainly are there for entertainment.