Has taken this course increased your interest in seeking a m…
Hаs tаken this cоurse increаsed yоur interest in seeking a marketing jоb after graduation? Explain.
Hаs tаken this cоurse increаsed yоur interest in seeking a marketing jоb after graduation? Explain.
Hаs tаken this cоurse increаsed yоur interest in seeking a marketing jоb after graduation? Explain.
Reаd belоw fоr yоur situаtion аnd Discussion PointYou must identify which situation and discussion point your are addressing in each question. For example Situation One / Discussion Point 1SituationChose One of the following situations to discuss. Submit the discussions individually as one of your two examinations. The discussions must be unique meaning one situation may not be used for both examination questions.Situation OneYou are the city manager of a large urban city in Texas. The state of Texas has passed legislation that bans specific books in public spaces, mandates pet registration and chipping, legalizes marijuana, and mandates the use of diversity , equity, and inclusion in all public agencies. This impacts operations for the library, law enforcement, animal control, and human resources where employees may not agree with these laws. What are some of the many factors you need to consider when addressing this situation in a way that continues to support the organizations mission in accordance with state laws, while maintain a good work environment in a democratic society.Situation TwoTexas recently passed a law requiring the owners of electric vehicles to pay higher registration fees than those who drive gasoline-powered vehicles (because electric vehicle owners do not buy gasoline) as a means of paying for road maintenance although manufacture and purchase of an electric vehicle can be subsidised by the federal government. Electric vehicles are marketed as important to reducing air pollution and other environmental concerns, however, issues are being raised about environmental concerns being produced due to disposal of large batteries from electric cars. In fact China has large electric vehicle "graveyards" produced because of the massive government incentives to produce electric vehicles without considering market demands.Situation ThreeYou are the Human Resources Director of a large U.S. federal agency and you are looking to hire an employee with an MPA. You are considering three different applicants. There are many factors your potential employee may need to consider when choosing an organization that is right for a high quality employee as well as those you need to consider to attract a high quality employee for your organization.Situation FourA small pox outbreak has resulted in mass hospitalizations, overwhelming the medical community across the United States. Medical protective actions have been mandated through federal and state policies, however, funding is not provided from the federal or state level government. Medical service and medical supply providers have adjusted the cost of services and supplies due to an increased need and a depleted capacity.Situation FivePanama City, Florida has called for a partnership with St. Andrews Marina Partners LLC to renovate and manage the public marina. The justification is due to insufficient tax revenue and budget capacity and rather than raise taxes to pay for a bond. The marina will remain a public entity and will be managed by a private company. What concerns and considerations need to be addressed with this partnership. Discussion PointsUse ONE of the following discussion points to elaborate on the situation you selected above. The discussion points must be unique meaning you may not use the same discussion point in both of your examination questions. In other words, you are to discuss one situation with one correlating discussion point (Exam Question 1), and one situation with one correlating discussion point (Exam Question 2). The situations and the discussion point you select may not be used on both examination questions. Discussion Point 1Public Administration can be a very confusing subject to study because of the many definitions of public administration and publicness that exist in scholarly literature and practice. The application of these definitions can be at odds with each other depending upon the political and cultural environments that shape public policy and how policy is implemented at different levels of government and within different geographical bounds in the United States. What makes public administration "public"? Discussion Point 2 There are many organization theories that have contributed to the evolution and understanding of public organizations, from Taylor (1916) Scientific Management to Maslow (1943) Theory of Human Motivation, French and Raven (1959) Basis of Social Power and McGregor (1960) Theory X and Theory Y to Schein (2004) Concept of Organizational Culture. What three (not necessarily the ones listed) organization theories can be applied to explain the current situation and provide a possible solution? Ensure that you provide meaning content that is applied with a proper definition and explanation. Discussion Point 3What is an externality? Include the difference between positive and negative externalities in your explanation. How will you address externalities as a public administrator? Should all externalities be seen as equally important and equally in need of redress by those who work in the public sector? Explain. Discussion Point 4What types of individuals are attracted to certain types of jobs? What organization culture factors do you need to consider? What motivations and incentives do you need to consider when looking at an organization?Discussion Point 5Are healthcare services market goods? Should healthcare services be considered market goods in the typology of toll goods, public goods, etc.? Think about whether government should consider them to be market goods regardless of your answer to the first question. Address the general benefits and drawbacks of markets and government provision here.Discussion Point 6Public administration can be demanding and psychologically taxing when ethical and moral beliefs come in conflict. What is the difference between professional ethical responsibilities and personal moral beliefs in Public Administration? Why are ethical and professional standards important in public administration? Discussion Point 7The field of public policy emerges out of and within a series of theoretical concepts that help provide a beginning foundation for our understanding of public policy. Identify and explain some of the relevant concepts that provide a basis for developing the necessary appreciation of the factors, dynamics, and tensions that affect public policy and the policy making process.