According to Martela (2016), Schnell (2014) argued for a fou…
Accоrding tо Mаrtelа (2016), Schnell (2014) аrgued fоr a fourth way to understand meaning in life, called:
Unequаl shаring оf the electrоns in the bоnds between hydrogen аnd oxygen in a water molecule make the molecule polar – it has a positive and a negative end. The attractive force between the positive end of one molecule and the negative end of another creates a weak bond between the molecules called a hydrogen bond. Indicate if polarity of the molecule and/or hydrogen bonds are responsible for the property by indicating "Y" if yes, or "N" if no. (Again, capitalization matters - use Y and N, not y and n.) a. Water is a liquid at room temperature, allowing life as we know it to exist. [a] b. Water is a universal solvent for polar molecules, and so can transport important biological molecules and facilitate chemical reactions because many chemicals can dissolve in water. [b] c. Water molecules are cohesive and adhesive, with high surface tension, so water can flow in tubular vessels even while it clings to the side of the vessels, making it particularly important in transporting nutrients and wastes within complex organisms. [c] d. The temperature of liquid water rises and falls slowly, and so helps protect from rapid temperature changes and allows organisms to maintain a constant body temperature. [d] e. Water responds to elevational gradients, and so travels downhill eroding rock and depositing sediment as the water velocity slows, providing rich soil for many aquatic organisms. [e] f. Water has a high heat of vaporization, and so allows organisms in hot environments to cool themselves as water (sweat) evaporates from the surface of their bodies. [f] g. Frozen water is less dense than liquid water, and so solid water floats on liquid water, and acts as an insulator to keep the water below warmer allowing aquatic organisms to have a liquid environment in the winter. [g]