Below is a disaccharide. The sugar on the right is allose. …


Belоw is а disаcchаride. The sugar оn the right is allоse.  Blank #1: What kind of glycosidic bond is represented here? (for example: beta 1 -> 6) Blank #2: What is the stereochemical relationship between allose and glucose? (enantiomers, epimers at C-? , diastereomers with more than one different chiral C, structural isomers, different molecules)   The disaccharide above condenses with other sugars to give the branched polysaccharide below.  Blank #3: Which is (are) the reducing end(s) of this polysaccharide? (A, B, and/or C) Blank #4: Which is (are) beta 1->6 glycosidic bond(s)? (1, 2, 3, and/or 4) Blank #5: Is this likely to be an energy storage or structural polysaccharide? Explain why. Blank #6: What is the benefit of having branch points? Blank #7: Give two additional examples of branched polysaccharides.