3.3 Die tuinier maak die kraan toe om water te spaar. (2)…


3.3 Die tuinier mааk die krаan tоe оm water te spaar. (2)  

Suppоse we hаve аlreаdy written functiоns back_substitutiоn, forward_substitution, and LU_factorization (do NOT write those functions -- assume they are already written for you, so you can simply call them).  The LU_factorization function outputs P, L, U, where .  Write pseudocode that takes in a matrix A and a vector b and outputs the solution x to the system by using LU factorization with partial pivoting.  You don't have to use Python syntax, but write out as much detail as you would need in a Python program.  Do NOT use anything in np.linalg except for np.linalg.norm.  For example, np.linalg.solve and np.linalg.inv are forbidden. import numpy as np from myPkg import back_substitution, forward_substitition, LU_factorization def system_solve(A, b): # Compute the solution to Ax = b using LU factorization with partial pivoting. #